Bath Family Dental, LLC
Bath Family Dental, LLC
Bath Family Dental, LLC
Bath Family Dental, LLC

Initial Comprehensive Oral Examination

We take great pride in the fact that we perform very thorough exams on all new patients and on existing patients as well.  These exams include a very thorough set of low dose digital x-rays called a full mouth series( FMX), digital intra-oral photographs, comprehensive evaluation of the teeth, periodontal evaluation (probing) which evaluates the foundation around the teeth (gums and bone), oral cancer screening and the patients bite.  We also do a very thorough medical history as well as an emotional exam, which is our attempt to discover what our patients are truly looking for concerning their health and appearance of their smile. Depending on the patient’s oral health, treatment plans are often formulated at the initial visit to discuss different options for dental/periodontal treatment. Extensive treatment plans may require a separate consultation with the dentist later. An initial adult comprehensive evaluation is scheduled for 90 minutes, please plan on this amount of time and arrive 10 minutes early to complete the necessary paperwork including medical history, HIPAA agreement.

An initial comprehensive exam for a child (13 and under) will always vary depending on age and maturity of the child mentally and physically. A complete evaluation of the teeth, bite and oral cancer screening are always done. Dental x-rays will depend on the child, but often times 2-4 bitewing x-rays will be taken. Most often a child prophylaxis (cleaning) will be performed at the initial visit, but is not guaranteed. The scheduled amount of time for this visit is 1 hour. A parent must be present to fill out the child’s medical history and consent to all procedures.

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© 2025 Bath Family Dental, LLC, All Rights Reserved
304 Washington Street
Bath, Maine 04530
(207) 442-7581

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